A tea stall - paragraph | Nhrepon.com

A tea stall

A tea stall is a small shop where tea is served to the customers. 
It is usually found of the turn of a road, in the bus stand, near an office, a factory or launch ghat. 
A tea stall is not well furnished.
There is an oven where a kettle is kept burning. 
There is also a pan of milk to prepare tea. 
It has a few chairs, benches and tables.
 Hot tea, biscuits, bread, banana, betel leaf and cigarettes are sold there.
A small boy serves tea to the customers. 
Sometimes the owner himself serves tea.
 The manager sits behind a cash box. 
He receives money from the customer.
 He also prepares tea and takes order from the customers. 
The condition of a tea stall is not good.
 It is often dirty.
It remains open from morning till night.
 A tea stall is a important place to the people. 
It is a favourite meeting place to all kind of people. 
Some people come here to refresh themselves with a cup of tea. 
Other come here just to idle away their time. 
Sometimes they raise a storm over a cup of tea.
 It is called a “mini sangsad”. 
Because people often talk about political and economical condition of the country.


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