পুরুষের সফলতার পিছনে নারীর হাত

থাইল্যান্ডের একটি কুমিরের খামারে একটি কোম্পানির বার্ষিক বনভোজন চলাকালীন ... কোম্পানীর চেয়ারম্যান ঘোষনা দিলেন
যে, কোন কর্মচারী যদি কুমিরে ভরা এই পুকুর সাতরে এপার থেকে উপারে গিয়ে জীবন নিয়ে বেঁচে উঠতে পারে তবে সে ৫ মিলিয়ন ডলার পুরস্কার পাবে আর যদি সে মারা যায় তবে তাঁর পরিবার ২ মিলিয়ন ডলার পাবে। দীর্ঘক্ষন ধরে কেউই চ্যালেঞ্জ নিতে সাহস করেনি।
তারপর হঠাৎ একজন মানুষ ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়ে এবং তার জীবনহানির কথা ভেবে পাড়ে দাঁড়ানো সবাই আফসোস করতে থাকে।
তবে সৌভাগ্যক্রমে সে অক্ষত অবস্থায় পুকুরটি পার হতে সক্ষম হয়।
হাঁপাতে হাঁপাতে স্বাভাবিক অবস্থায় ফিরে আসার পর তাত্ক্ষণিক মিলিওনেয়ার বনে যাওয়া লোকটি চেঁচিয়ে বলতে থাকে- “আমাকে কে ধাক্কা দিয়েছিল?” দূর্ভাগ্যক্রমে কাজটি তার স্ত্রীই করেছিল !!! এবং সেই দিন থেকে এই প্রবাদটি চালু আছে যে, "পুরুষের প্রত্যেক সফলতার পিছনে একজন নারীর হাত আছে”

A village fair - paragraph | Nhrepon.com

A village fair

A village fair is an annual gathering of the village people. 
In a village fair the people gather to sell and buy local products.
 A village fair sits once a year. 
It generally held on the Bangla New Year’s Day.
It is also held on the occasion of religious festivals or on the birth day and death anniversary of a saint or a peer.
 It sits on the bank of a river, an open place or near a Mazar or temple.
 It last for a day, a week or for a fortnight. 
Men, women and children gather here in large number. 
The goods which the village people need in their domestic life come here. 
The dolls, wooden things, earthen pots and jars, bamboo-made basket, fancy goods, toys and sweetmeats are sold in a village fair. 
There are many attractions of a village fair. 
Jatra, circus, kite flying, marry-go-round and puppet show are the chief attractions of a village fair. 
A village fair plays an important role on rural life. 
A village fair is useful to the villagers. 
It provides amusement to the village people. 
The weavers, black-smith and carpenters earn money by selling their products. 
So, it helps the growth of cottage industry and small-scale trade. 
The villagers can buy the goods and tools that they need in their daily life.
 It is a great charm to the village people.

A winter morning - paragraph | Nhrepon.com

A winter morning

A winter morning means a cold and foggy morning in winter. 
There is dense fog everywhere. 
Nature looks dull in a winter morning.
 Everything looks hazy. 
The leaves of trees are covered with fog and they are not seen from a distance.
Dew drops on earth from the leaves of trees. 
The animals cry and old people shiver in cold. 
They don’t want to go out. 
The sun usually rises late in a winter morning. 
The children and the men are afraid of the biting cold in a winter morning.
 They get up late from bed. 
The farmers go to their fields late. 
The old people and the children gather straw, make fire and sit around it to warm themselves. 
When the sun rises, they bask in the sun.
 It is the time of date juice. 
So, people eat delicious pias, bhapa pitha and other sweet cake in winter morning.
 I like a winter morning because of its sweet moment. 
But i can’t study well because of the biting cold.

A tea stall - paragraph | Nhrepon.com

A tea stall

A tea stall is a small shop where tea is served to the customers. 
It is usually found of the turn of a road, in the bus stand, near an office, a factory or launch ghat. 
A tea stall is not well furnished.
There is an oven where a kettle is kept burning. 
There is also a pan of milk to prepare tea. 
It has a few chairs, benches and tables.
 Hot tea, biscuits, bread, banana, betel leaf and cigarettes are sold there.
A small boy serves tea to the customers. 
Sometimes the owner himself serves tea.
 The manager sits behind a cash box. 
He receives money from the customer.
 He also prepares tea and takes order from the customers. 
The condition of a tea stall is not good.
 It is often dirty.
It remains open from morning till night.
 A tea stall is a important place to the people. 
It is a favourite meeting place to all kind of people. 
Some people come here to refresh themselves with a cup of tea. 
Other come here just to idle away their time. 
Sometimes they raise a storm over a cup of tea.
 It is called a “mini sangsad”. 
Because people often talk about political and economical condition of the country.

load shedding paragraph | JSC, SSC, HSC - paragraph | Nhrepon.com

Load shedding

What is Load shedding?

Load shedding means the suspension of electricity for the time being.
Electricity load shedding occurs for many causes.
The rapid growth of urbanization is the main cause of load-shedding.
With the increase of population, the number of homes and buildings has increased.
More mills and factories have been set up in the country.
But the supply of power has not increased.
At present we have demand of around 4000 mw electricity.
But our production is around 2000 mw.
As a result, load shedding occurs frequently.
The effects of load shedding is causing serious harm to us.
The impact of load shedding affects our economy.
It hampers the production of mills and factories.
The farmer can not irrigate their land for load shedding.
The causes of load shedding, Student can not read.
The electric goods are damaged due to frequent power failure.
The students, patients in the hospital and business men are worst sufferers of load shedding.
We should be economical in the use of electricity.
For load shedding solutions, The government ought to establish additional power stations to reduce load shedding.

A rainy day - paragraph | Nhrepon.com

A rainy day

In a rainy day it rains all day long. It occurs in the rainy season.
Sometimes it rains cats and dogs, and sometimes it drizzles. 
The sky is overcast with cloud. 
The day looks gloomy in rainy day.
The sun seldom appears in the sky. 
The roads become muddy and slippery.
Roads at place go under water. 
People go to their working places carrying an umbrella over their head. 
Generally, people don’t like a rainy day.
 The poor and the day laborer suffer much in rainy day. 
They can’t go out for work. 
Sometimes rain water enters their houses. 
They even can’t cook food because of continuous rain. 
Cattle keep standing in their sheds bellow for food. 
The school-going children become happy in a rainy day. 
They don’t have to go school. 
They play different indoor games. 
Sometimes heavy downpour in a rainy day destroys crops. 
In fact, a rainy day is dull and gloomy.

A good teacher - paragraph | Nhrepon.com

A good teacher

The person, who teaches the student is a teacher. 
A good teacher teaches students perfectly and instructively. 
He tries to pull out the hidden treasures from the students.
A good teacher has some special qualities. 
He is very dutiful, responsible, attentive, punctual and smart. 
A good teacher makes his lessons attractive and easy to his student.
 He makes the dull students understand their lessons in an easiest method. 
His service is very important because he plays an active role to build up the nation.
 He teaches his students morals and helps in building up their future and character by proper teaching. 
He is popular with his students because of his good and attractive character.
 The students feel very happy, proudly and needy for a good teacher.

Our school library - paragraph | Nhrepon.com

Our school library

A school library is a building or room in which books and magazines are kept for the students to read or borrow. 
It is part and parcel of a school. Our school library is situated on the corner of the first floor.

Our school library is well-decorated. There are two parts in our school library. 
In one part, there is a reading room and a counter for issuing books. 

In other part books are arranged in almirahs and book shelves. There are tables and chairs in the reading room.
 The students reading books sitting here.
 There are many kinds of books in a school library.
 These books include stories, novels, dramas, poems and text books. 
Each student has a library card. 
The students are allowed to keep books at home for a week. 
Our school library is very useful to us. 
We are proud of our school library. 
The students can make notes by borrowing books from the school library. The students read here in the leisure period.

A school magazine - paragraph | Nhrepon.com

A school magazine

A school magazine is a magazine which is published by the school authority annually.
It contains poems, articles, essays, short stories, jokes etc.
All these are written by the teachers and students.
A magazine committee is formed for the publication of the magazine.
The editor of the magazine committee invites writings from the students and teachers.
He and the advisor select the good writings for printings.
The students bear the expenditure for the publication of the school magazine.
They annually pay magazines fees.
The school magazine has many usefulness.
It brings out the latent talents of the students.
It helps them to be great writers.
It gives them a lesson of co-operation.
It develops the power of thinking of the students.
Students become great writers in future through through their writings in school magazine.